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Updated: Jun 9, 2023

How do I get my Picky-Eater to Transition onto GAPS? | Living in Wellness GAPS Blog

Is it a challenge to encourage your child, or children, to eat the food you’ve prepared? Are you making several different meals to appease multiple individuals in your family so they won’t go hungry? You must be wondering how you are ever going to get your family to eat the GAPS* food, right? You’re not alone, picky eating habits are a part of the Gut and Psychology Syndrome explained by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.

Do not fear, there are many stories of families who have transitioned their picky eaters onto the GAPS* Protocol. It is possible! And it is possible when you know how to motivate your picky eaters. It takes some preparation, but it can be achieved.

Living in Wellness Coaching Services offers a PRESET Coaching Package to help you prepare for transitioning your picky eater onto the GAPS* Protocol. This package is called 21-Day Mealtime Management Techniques and includes:

  • A one-on-one session to explain the techniques, to address common concerns and to answer any questions for the transition onto GAPS*

  • A pdf explaining the mealtime management techniques

  • A questionnaire to get you, your partner and/or your other family members ready to tackle the mealtime management techniques

  • A list of foods required for the transition onto GAPS*

  • A list of common symptoms or issues that could arise while transitioning onto GAPS* and suggestions for how to deal with them

  • A final checklist to ensure you are prepared and ready to start the transition

Living in Wellness Coaching Services also offers a 8-week Online Course for Guided Assistance Transitioning PICKY-EATERS onto the GAPS* Protocol. It includes all the items outlined in the above PRESET Coaching Package, but takes it one step further by helping you to learn and prepare through 8 weeks of guided classes. It helps you to get your kitchen ready for cooking GAPS* foods, improve upon your cooking skills, gradually prepare foods for the official transition date, learn how to gently detoxify while on GAPS* and much more. This online course minimizes the overwhelm of prepping for GAPS* all by yourself and gets you ready for the official transition. To learn more about what each of the 8 weeks entails, read about it in the blog: How do I start transitioning onto the GAPS* Protocol?

The intent of the PRESET Coaching Package and the 8-week Online Course is that… You will feel less fearful of transitioning your child, or children, onto the GAPS* Protocol. You will feel more confident in executing the steps and techniques required for the transition. And you will feel better prepared when you make the final transition.

Looking forward to the potential of meeting you, and your family, and helping you optimize the transition onto the GAPS* Protocol!


If there are any questions or concerns regarding the above noted service, please feel free to email them to


Note: The scope of services for a Certified GAPS Coach does not involve any of the following: diagnosing, analysis of test results, giving medical advice, or giving advice related to prescriptions/medications.

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