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Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Who can benefit from the free Discovery Session? | Living in Wellness GAPS Blog

If GAPS* is completely new to you and you’re just starting to learn about it, the Free Discovery Session is the perfect opportunity for you to discovery if GAPS* is right for you! In the session we can:

  • Discuss Dr. Natasha’s perspective on the potential contributing factors related to your current health condition(s) or those of your family members. All information discussed is a summary of the information contained within her books. A recommendation for which book(s) to buy & read as it most relates to your situation can be suggested.

  • Read inspirational stories of other individuals or families that have been on the GAPS* Protocol and seen benefits. Stories will be sourced from Dr. Natasha’s books and GAPS Stories compiled by Medinform Publishing.

  • Talk about the practical issues when transitioning onto the GAPS* Protocol and staying on it for an extended period of time.

  • Discuss what GAPS meal plan is right for you

  • Address any questions or concerns you may have.

  • Discuss how Living in Wellness Coaching Services has helped others and how we can help coach you along your journey.

By the end of the Discovery Session the hope is that you should feel more confident in deciding whether GAPS is right for you, and your family, moving forward.

I look forward to meeting you and the opportunity to discuss how the GAPS* Protocol can make a difference in your life!



At this time we do not offer the Free Discovery Session to individuals & families that are currently on their GAPS* journey. The duration of the Free Discovery Session is insufficient time to properly hear your concerns and help you address your reasons for the session. Please check out the Services page to see a list of the coaching options available or check out How can a Coaching Session help me? These sessions get more in depth into your situation and give you longer one-on-one time that you need. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the service itself, please feel free to email them to where we will get back to you.

Note: The scope of services for a Certified GAPS Coach does not involve any of the following: diagnosing, analysis of test results, giving medical advice, or giving advice related to prescriptions/medications.

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