Terms & Conditions
Living in Wellness Coaching Services will display positive testimonials on promotional webpages in order to promote subscriptions and services. If you submit a negative testimonial, Living in Wellness Coaching Services has the discretion to not display the testimonial. However, Living in Wellness Coaching Services will strive to find a compromise that will hopefully create a more positive experience for the individual.
By submitting a testimonial, you allow Living in Wellness Coaching services the discretion to modify your testimonial as noted below. If you are dissatisfied with the final modified testimonial displayed on the website, please email contactlivinginwellness@gmail.com to express your concerns and they will be addressed appropriately.
Correct grammar,
Delete or slightly modify specific information within the testimonial to make it more accurate or appropriate for contextual purposes, and
Truncate the length of the testimonial so that it fits within the confines of the webpage requirements.
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