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Terms & Conditions


Living in Wellness Coaching Services, its employees, and the Owner, do NOT:

  • Make medical assertions, prognoses, diagnoses, etc.

  • Provide a second opinion or attempt in any way to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your primary care physician or other board-certified medical practitioner.

  • Prescribe medical drugs, prescriptions, vitamins, supplements, etc.

  • Coerce an individual to give up their right of free will to make educated decisions for themselves, for their family members, or for the individual(s)/pet(s) they are responsible for, within the levels of risk they are willing to accept.

Living in Wellness Coaching Services, its employees, and the Owner, may provide the following during a service session:

  • Recommendations and/or suggestions that the client may wish to entertain, or research further, at their own free will.

  • Personal opinions and theories based on the individual’s background knowledge and experience that is solely a reflection of themselves. Refer to the Viewpoints Disclaimer.

  • Recollection of personal experiences and challenges faced by Living in Wellness Coaching Services’ employees, and the Owner, on their own individual journey.

  • Personal tips & tricks gained from Living in Wellness Coaching Services’ employees, the Owner, or other clients, that the client may wish to entertain, or research further, at their own free will.

  • A summary of the items, or topics, discussed during the session, which are reflective of all the above noted bullet points. This summary shall not be deemed as legally binding “advice”, but rather regarded as suggested options that the client may wish to consider, or pursue, at their own risk using their own free will.

The client receiving the service acknowledges that they have full authority to make educated informed choices for themselves, and on behalf of their family members or individual(s)/pet(s) that they are responsible for, within the risk levels they are willing to take. And at no point does Living in Wellness Coaching Services, its employees, and the Owner, expect the client to follow the above noted bullet points potentially provided during the service.

The client consents to relieving Living in Wellness Coaching Services, its employees, and the Owner, of any and all liability as it pertains to their chosen course of action when following any of the above noted bullet points potentially provided during the service.

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