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Thieves™ Kombucha

GAPS* Stage:

Stage 1+

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Thieves™ essential oil is a proprietary blend sold by Young Living

Click HERE to go to the Thieves™  website

About the Recipe

The flavor of this kombucha recipe brings in all the elements of the Thieves™ essential oil blend. Not only does the preparation of the kombucha bring an inviting aroma into the house, but the taste of it reminds you of the enveloping smell one would expect!

NOTE: Kombucha contains beneficial probiotics that can cause die-off symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomitting, headaches, etc. If this is your first time consuming kombucha, start off at a very low dose and work up your tolerance. When in doubt work with a Certified GAPS* Coach or Practitioner to understand the potential implications.


For a half-gallon (2L) mason jar:

  • 1 tsp (5mL) dried organic rosemary or ½ ounces (14g) fresh organic rosemary twigs

  • 1-2 organic cinnamon sticks (±3 inch long)

  • ½ Tbsp (7.5mL) organic whole cloves

  • 3 bags, or 3 tsp (15mL), organic black tea

  • 1 bag, or 1 tsp (5mL), Traditional Medicinals Breathe Easy tea - Eucalyptus Mint

  • ¼ -½ cup (62.5-125mL) organic cane sugar

  • ½ cup (250mL) kombucha starter liquid


  • Approximately 6½ cups (1.63L) filtered non-chlorinated water

  • Juice from 2 organic lemons

Click HERE for instructions on how to make SCOBY from a store-bought kombucha bottle

1st Batch Instructions

Step 1

Place minimum 2 cups (500mL) water into the stovetop pot. Add the cinnamon, cloves and thyme. Bring to a boil and simmer for 25 minutes.

NOTE: 2 cups is the minimum amount of water in order to fully dissolve the cane sugar easily. You can always add more than the 2 cups, however keep in mind that the more water you add, the longer it takes to cool down.

Step 2

Remove the pot off the hot element. Add the black tea and Breathe Easy tea. Stir and steep for 5 minutes.

Step 3

Strain the liquid into the mason jar using a tea strainer or fine mesh strainer. Stir in the cane sugar until completely dissolved.

Let the liquid cool down to room temperature. To cool it down quicker, add additional filtered water to the jar until it reaches just above the half-way point.

Step 4

Once the liquid has reached room temperature, add the SCOBY and the starter liquid.

IMPORTANT: The SCOBY cultures, and the cultures within the starter liquid, will die if they are placed in hot liquid and the kombucha will not ferment.

Step 5

Top up the jar with additional filtered water until the level is approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the top rim. Secure a coffee filter, or tightly woven tea towel, to the top of the jar with an elastic band or kitchen twine.

NOTE: Overtime a new SCOBY will form at the top of the liquid. If the SCOBY is too close to the coffee filter, or tightly woven tea towel, it will attract fruit flies to lay their eggs. The last thing we want is contaminated kombucha!

Step 6

Set the jar in a location away from direct sunlight and where the temperature is maintained between 24-29°C (75-85°F).

Allow the jar to ferment and watch the transformation! The fermentation time varies but is generally between 1 week to 4 weeks. As the kombucha ferments the cultures “eat” the sugar and impart a sour taste to the liquid. Some people enjoy the sweet-to-sour ratio after just 1 week, whereas others need to let it ferment longer to remove more sugar. Taste the liquid every week with a straw to determine whether it has reached the desired sweet-to-sour ratio.

After it’s reached the desired sweet-to-sour ratio, you can consume the fermented kombucha, store it for future consumption (see Storage Instructions below), or you can ferment another batch (see Subsequent Batch Instructions).

Storage Instructions

Once the desired sweet-to-sour ratio has been achieved, the mason jar is ready to be stored away for future consumption. First remove the SCOBY and place it into the SCOBY hotel. Then choose where you want to store it. The mason jar can either be stored in the fridge, stored in a cool cellar or stored in a cool basement storage room. If you store the jar in the fridge, the fermentation will be drastically reduced and there is a greater chance of preserving the sweet-to-sour ratio. If you store the jar in a cellar or basement storage room, the fermentation will be slowed down but will not be eliminated. So keep in mind that even when stored in a cool environment, it can still become more sour with an extended period of time.

NOTE: If the mason jar is stored at room temperature, the liquid will continue to ferment. More sugar will be eaten up and the liquid will become more sour. Sometimes this may not be the desired outcome! And if it happens that the liquid becomes too sour, such that it tastes more like vinegar, then dilute it with water before consuming.

Subsequent Batch Instructions

You can follow the same instructions as noted for the 1st batch, however keep the following in mind:

If the previous batch has a SCOBY that is very thick and healthy, you can re-use the freshly fermented liquid as starter liquid for the next subsequent batch.

NOTE: Starter liquid should be taken from the top of the jar, not the bottom. Most of the yeast accumulates at the bottom of the jar, and there isn’t much at the top. It is best to avoid having yeast in your starter liquid, as this could propagate yeast issues into the next subsequent batch.

If the previous batch has a SCOBY that is very thin and doesn’t look healthy, you should use starter liquid from another batch or from the SCOBY hotel. Avoid using the liquid from the previous batch as the starter when the SCOBY isn’t abundantly healthy. And equally important, don’t re-use the thin SCOBY for the next subsequent batch. Use a new healthy SCOBY from the SCOBY hotel or make a new SCOBY from a store-bought bottle.

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