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Blanched Spinach

GAPS* Stage:

Stage 1+

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Recipe adapted from the 'Nutrient-Rich Way of Cooking Spinach' posted on 'the world's healthiest foods' website.

About the Recipe

If you are sensitive to oxalates in spinach, this is the perfect way to reduce the oxalate content. The oxalates are pulled out of the spinach when it is submersed in the boiling water and then get dumped out when you discard the leftover water.

Spinach is also traditionally consumed with dairy. The calcium in the dairy helps to bind with the oxalates in your digestive tract, and thus reduce the potential for oxalates to transverse the leaky gut. So consider enjoying the blanched spinach with fermented dairy next time if you are extra sensitive to oxalates!


  • Fresh organic spinach

  • Filtered water


Step 1

Bring a pot of filtered water to a boil. 

Step 2

Carefully place the spinach into the boiling water and submerse the spinach underwater. 

Step 3

Set your timer for 1 minute. When the timer goes off, you’ll remove the spinach from the water into a strainer or colander. 

Step 4

Continue to submerse the spinach for 1 minute at a time until all the spinach is done.

Step 5

Once all the spinach is done, turn off the element and discard the greenish water. Either use the spinach for cooking or store it for later as noted below. 

Author’s Tip: Cut up the spinach into small bite-sized chunks. It helps to reduce the potential for choking on long stringy spinach strands.

Storage Instructions

It is best to remove as much moisture as you can before storing the blanched spinach. Place the spinach onto some paper towels and then pat it dry with more paper towel.

You can store the spinach in glass tupperware within the fridge for roughly 5-7 days. 

If you want to freeze the spinach, place the spinach into ice cube trays and freeze it as ice cubes. This works great for adding spinach to smoothies or when you want to add spinach to a soup!

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