Reviewer Questions
1. Should unfermented (raw or cooked) herb seeds (like dill seeds, fennel seeds, caraway seeds, etc.) be consumed only on Full GAPS?
2. Can fermented herb seeds (like dill seeds, fennel seeds, caraway seeds, etc.) be consumed on earlier Intro Stages? If so, which Stage can they be intoduced?
Becky Plotner's book titled 'GAPS, Stage-by-Stage, with Recipes' indicates that flax seeds & chia seeds can be consumed on Full GAPS. Considering that unfermented herb seeds are similiar to flax/chia seeds, one could argue that the earliest they could be introduced is on Full GAPS. But then gravlax recipes call for dill seed and it makes you wonder if fermented herb seeds can be consumed on the Intro Stages. Becky's book also has a relish recipe with herb seeds in it on an earlier Intro Stage which also further reinforces the potential that fermented herb seeds can be consumed on earlier Intro Stages.